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Foren­sic Accounting

We handle your Forensic Accounting

Assess­ing the com­mer­cial or finan­cial impli­ca­tions of legal dis­putes is imper­a­tive to ensure that finan­cial set­tle­ments encom­pass every aspect of your case. The ram­i­fi­ca­tions attached to this assess­ment are huge and get­ting it wrong can have long-term reper­cus­sions.

We pro­vide act­ing assis­tance in cases of sus­pected or actual fraud, author­i­ta­tive quan­tifi­ca­tion of dam­ages and act­ing as expert wit­nesses capa­ble of mak­ing a deci­sive con­tri­bu­tion to your case.